Quick ideas
Air fryer asparagus soldiers
We’ve seen a few people claiming to be able to cook tempura veg in an air fryer. We investigated the idea and in reality, most were simply a version of breadcrumbed veg. Not quite the gossamer-thin batter of a true tempura, but an interesting idea to investigate none the less. We took some asparagus, had a play, and thought the results would make a perfect partner to a dippy egg. You could, of course, do this with plain steamed or roasted asparagus instead – equally delectable, but minus the crispy crunch.
Cook's notes
You could do these in a deep fryer or roast them in the oven if you don’t have an air fryer. You’ll need to adjust the times until you have the desired result.
- 200g asparagus
- 50g plain flour
- 3 eggs
- 80g panko breadcrumbs
- plain oil e.g. sunflower or vegetable
- salt

Step 1
Trim away any woody ends from the asparagus. Give them a quick wash and shake them dry. You want them to remain a little bit wet so that the flour will stick.
Step 2
Tip the flour into a shallow bowl (wide enough to lay an asparagus spear) and season generously with salt and pepper. Crack 1 egg into a second bowl and beat it thoroughly with a dash of water. Tip the breadcrumbs into a third bowl along, with 2 tablespoons of oil, and mix well to coat.
Step 3
One at a time, turn an asparagus spear in the flour until evenly coated, shaking away the excess. Dip and drag it through the egg so that it’s coated. Then throw it into the breadcrumbs, turning and pressing until completely coated. Repeat with all the spears.
Step 4
Pre-heat the air fryer to 200˚C and then lay the asparagus spears in the tray. Cook for 10 mins, turning halfway through, until golden and crisp.
Step 5
Meanwhile, place 2 eggs in a small pan and just cover with cold water. Bring to a rolling boil and immediately set a timer for 3 mins. The perfect soft-boiled egg is a topic of endless debate, so if you have a preferred method (6 mins straight into boiling water, for example), go with what you know.
Step 6
Pop the eggs in egg cups and open the tops straight away so they don’t continue to cook in the shell. Serve with the crispy asparagus and a pinch of salt on the side.