Beetroot, burnt horseradish cream & chives
This recipe come from the Field kitchen fire cookery demo, where guests learn how to create flavoursome, fire-cooked dishes with fresh veg picked from the Riverford Farm and our kitchen garden. BBQs aren’t only the home of steaks and sausages; fresh veg can be just as happy above or within a pile of glowing embers. When you cook veg over fire flavours intensify, surfaces caramelise and edges get irresistibly crisp and charred.
- 10 medium beetroots
- 400ml double cream
- 50g fresh, grated horseradish
- 1 bunch of chives
- juice of one lemon
- salt & pepper to taste

Step 1
Place whole beetroots (skin on) into the embers of a dying fire and allow to steam in their natural casing. Once tender (check by piercing with a sharp knife), remove from the fire and peel charred exterior. Cut into wedges.
Step 2
To make the Horseradish cream; In a large pot with a well fitting lid, pour your double cream. Being very careful, take a large serving spoon and transfer some of the hot embers from the fire into pot with the cream. Be careful, the cream will hiss and spit. Put to now side and allow to smoke and cool. Once cooled, strain off the now smoked cream to remove any embers.
Step 3
Whip the cream together with the horseradish, lemon, salt and pepper to form stiff peaks. Serve with the cooled beetroots and some chopped chives.