Bubble & Squeak
A classic use of leftovers but if you’re going to do it, do it right. You can use a mix of roots if you don’t have enough spuds left; carrots, parsnips, celeriac and even beetroot can make it into the mix.
Cook's notes
Do the pan flip with confidence and you should end up with a perfect golden disc to lay in front of family and friends.
- 600g cooked potatoes – or a 60/40 split of spuds and other cooked root veg
- 250g cooked greens – sprouts, cabbage, kale or a mix
- 150g cooked bacon or ham, roughly chopped - optional
- 1 garlic clove finely chopped
- ½ tsp freshly chopped thyme
- 1 tbsp freshly chopped parsley
- butter
- 4 eggs
- sea salt and black pepper

Step 1
Turn your oven to 180⁰C/gas 4. Roughly chop the potatoes. Throw them into a mixing bowl. Slice the greens and add them too, followed by the garlic and herbs. Season with salt and pepper and mix everything together well. Heat a generous knob of butter in a heavy based frying pan. Tip in the mix, press it down evenly, and cook it over a medium heat for 4-5 mins. You want the underneath to brown nicely - give the pan a small but firm shake every so often to stop it sticking.
Step 2
Next, place a plate on top of the mix, put your hand on top and in one swift movement flip the pan over so that the bubble and squeak turns out on to the plate. Take a second plate, place it on top and do the flip again – the uncooked side should be facing up. Holding the plate, place the inverted frying on top and flip it back over – the cooked side should now be showing. Return the pan to the heat for another few minutes before sliding it into the oven for 6-8 minutes to heat through to the centre while you cook your eggs.
Step 3
Warm a knob of butter in a separate frying pan and cook your eggs to your liking. Divide the bubble and squeak out onto plates and top each with an egg. Serve with some good brown sauce or chutney, and a fresh pot of tea.