Bunched carrots Grown by James Foskett at Woodbridge, Suffolk

£2.40 / x1


Fresh young carrots, straight from the fields, bunched with their leafy tops. It's taken us many years of trialling, testing and tasting to choose our favourite varieties, a bit wonky perhaps, but full of carroty flavour. These tender summer roots are best enjoyed raw or lightly cooked. And don't forget to use the leafy fronds!

Most of our bunched items are selected by sight rather than exact weight. For this item, we target around 500g, but the exact weight may vary slightly.

Veg Hacks - Bunched carrots

The varieties we grow at Riverford are chosen for the best flavour, rather than yield or cosmetic perfection - they deserve more than being boiled. Chef Bob demonstrates 9 different ways of approaching your carrots, including explaining how to use their gorgeous green tops.

Country of origin

Produced in
  • The UK

How to prepare

As soon as your carrots arrive, twist off the leafy tops; they draw moisture from the roots, turning them floppy. Keep the tops fresh in a glass of water, like cut flowers, and use sparingly in salads, as a garnish, or whizzed into pesto along with a leafy herb such as parsley or basil.

No need to peel - just give your carrots a scrub. Try them raw in salads or as a quick crudite snack. They are also happy roasted, braised, steamed, stir-fried or boiled - just don't overcook them into mush. They'll cook quicker than standard carrots.


Bunched carrots can be kept in the fridge or in a cool veg rack. Twist off the tops before storing, as they draw moisture away from the carrot, turning them floppy and bendy.

Bunched carrots recipes

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