“Our vision from the start was to produce the UK’s best tasting and highest quality kombucha.”
During their research, Josh and Lisa spoke to commercial brewers, who told them that the best kombucha they had ever made was brewed in small glass jars. They decided early on to commit to this brewing method.

“The kombucha fermentation process is very delicate,” they say. “The bacteria and yeast need to be balanced, and small-batch production gives us much more control over the process.” They ferment in 10-litre glass jars, rather than the large stainless-steel tanks used by some kombucha brands.
Their kombuchas are always unfiltered, for fuller depth of flavour and a drink that’s full of living cultures. They also use 100% organic ingredients, and put the finished brew into glass bottles – making their kombucha super sustainable, well as delicious.