Hand drawn image of Red onions

Red onions

Allium cepa

Sweeter and less pungent than a standard onion, red onions are much more acceptable raw or lightly prepared, the pink-edged layers making a handsome addition to many salads and salsa. The colour deepens with cooking and the flesh sweetens and mellows.

Image of Red onions being produced

In the kitchen

How to store Red onions

Keep red onions cool and dry, preferably somewhere with a bit of air movement so they can breathe. They should last a few weeks.

Prep & Cooking tips

Peel as you would any normal onion. They are quicker to peel and slice if topped, tailed and halved first. Any trimmings are a welcome addition to a stock pot. Tricks to avoid tears? Learn to live with the momentary discomfort! Any crazy contraptions or contortions will surely increase your risk of detaching a digit.

Can be sliced thinly and eaten raw or slow cooked until sweet, dark and tangled. Try roasting in wedges or even baking whole until meltingly tender and collapsing. They slightly darken anything they are cooked in, so are best used for dark tomato/red wine based sauces or stews, rather than something light and clear.

Easy ideas

1. Lightly pickled

A simple way to temper their pungency is to finely slice the onion and steep it in red wine vinegar and a little brown sugar for at least half an hour. The raw edge will be softened and the slices turned a bright pink. Add the vinegar to salad dressings.

2. Baked whole

Cut a deep cross into each onion, almost down to the root but not quite. Force some softened butter and a few sprigs of thyme into the cut. Rub the onion with oil and season with salt and pepper. Place your onions into a snug fitting roasting tray, add a dash of water, cover well with foil and bake at 200˚C for 40 mins before removing the cover and finishing for another 10 mins.

3. Roasted in rings

Peel away the skins, cut into 1cm thick discs. Roast with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper until softened. Break into individual rings before using.

Red onions recipes

View all Red onions recipes

In the field

  • Kees Timmer standing in a field on his farm.

    Meet the grower: Kees Timmers , Engwierum, Netherlands

    Based in the small village of Engwierum in the agricultural province of Friesland, De Grote Tor supply us with a variety of organic onions from punchy white and red onions to sweeter shallots.

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