Hand drawn image of Spinach


Spinacia oleracea

Sweet, tender and terribly good for you. As the seasons change, you’ll see baby leaves, delicate 'true' spinach and the more robust 'perpetual' spinach beet.

Image of Spinach being produced

In the kitchen

How to store Spinach

It may come to you attached to its root or loose-leafed. Either way it needs to go straight into the fridge in its bag. Eat within a few days.

Prep & Cooking tips

Always wash spinach. The leaves trap sandy soil and any leftover grit will take the shine off even the most sumptuous meal. Wash it just before use as too much water can hasten the breakdown of the leaves. It is best washed in a deep bowl or sink so that the grit can sink to the bottom; lift the leaves out gently and then drain. Any really tough stalks can be stripped out and discarded but for the most part you can use it all.

You can wilt it briefly in a pan or add it to dishes in the final few minutes. The residual water from washing should be enough to aid wilting in a hot pan. Try not to overcook it as it can go mushy. Alternatively, blanch it for 30 seconds in boiling water, cool in cold water, squeeze dry and chop. This retains the bright colour and can be used in endless dishes or frozen in ice cube trays for later.

Easy ideas

1. Spanakopita

A wonderful word and a wonderful dish. They have been the mainstay of most veggie cafes for decades and for good reason; they are made of very few, but very tasty ingredients. Wilt down some well washed spinach in a pan until just collapsed. Mix with a few sliced spring onions and some sharp salty feta. Season with some nutmeg and chopped dill. Fold inside layers of buttered filo pastry and bake until crisp and golden.

2. Wilt

It is often at its best when simply wilted down in a pan and finished with a little salt, lemon, olive oil and maybe a scant grating of nutmeg. A perfect cradle for some pan-cooked fish, or filling for a just-cooked omelette. The residual water on the leaves from washing helps the leaves to wilt quickly without scolding in the pan. Keep them moving and they’ll wilt in moments rather than minutes.

3. Blanch & chop

Spinach will release water as it cooks and in some cases this can work against the final dish. By blanching the leaves in boiling water and then cooling immediately in cold water you arrest the cooking process and lock the colour into the leaves. They’ll only take about 30 seconds to cook. Squeeze the excess water from the cooled leaves and coarsely chop them. They can be added to a whole host of dishes to warm through in the final minutes. You can pack them into ice cube trays and freeze for a later date if their moment isn’t now.

Goes well with

Asian flavours (Chilli, Ginger, Sesame, Soy sauce)

Cheese (especially ricotta and feta)

Spices (Cayenne, Chilli, Mace, Nutmeg, Paprika)

Cured pork


Dried fruit




Olives and olive oil

Spinach recipes

View all Spinach recipes

In the field

UK seasonality

Spinach is available throughout most of the year but is at its most tender in late spring and summer.

Spinach varieties

  • Picture of Baby spinach

    Baby spinach

    Harvesting spinach while it’s still young gives small leaves with a mild, clean flavour. Perfect raw in salads, or wilted straight into sauces, curries and soups at the last minute.

  • Picture of Perpetual spinach

    Perpetual spinach

    Actually a type of chard, hardier than true spinach but has a very similar taste and can be cooked in much the same way. It will last a little longer in the fridge than baby or true spinach.

  • True spinach

    Small, juicy leaves with a sweet flavour. Wonderfully versatile, it's just as good raw in salads or cooked, and tender enough to eat whole, stalks and all. It may come to you attached to its root or loose-leafed.

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